Hilde Van Meirhaeghe
Phone: +32 476 214 371
E-mail: hilde.vanmeirhaeghe@vetworks.eu
Skype: hvmvetworks
Hilde graduated in 1982 Doctor in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Ghent. Worked in several European and African Countries as field veterinary all species.
In 2007, Hilde joined DGZ-Flanders (Animal Health Services- Flanders) as a program officer for Poultry Health. She’s been involved in study projects on hygiene, food safety and health issues in partnership with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ghent and the Institute for Research in Agriculture and Fisheries ILVO.
Hilde is a global Poultry Consultant at Vetworks since 2010. Besides her work at Vetworks, Hilde has worked with several partners and projects:
- She is currently contributing as advisor and trainer in the African Livestock Productivity & Health Advancement ALPHA initiative funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Senegal and Congo DRC.
- Hilde is president of the Belgian Hatcheries Association – Nationale Beroepsvereniging van Fokkers en Broeiers vzw (NBFB)
- Hilde is recognized Course master WVEPAH – World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health- training in Broilers, Turkeys and Layers for OIE in Africa and Latin America
- She is Honorary Fellow and Academic advisor at Ghent University – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Department of Virology, Parasitology and Immunology
- Partners EU for Netpoulsafe project: for enhancing the compliance of biosecurity measures of a sustainable production.
- Previously partners with EU for H2020 Phagovet: A cost-effective solution for controlling Salmonella and Escherichia coli in poultry production
- Previously partners with EU for FP7 Effort: reduction of antimicrobial resistance in poultry