Broiler Signals
A practical guide to broiler focused management
Author: Maarten de Gussem
Pages: 120
Paperback book | € 43,90 | |
Online book | € 34,90 |
Sample – demo
Broiler Signals | Book about poultry
Keeping broilers is like a Formula 1 race: there’s no time for mistakes.
Broilers are fast growing animals that need constant care. There is no time for correcting mistakes. And when something goes wrong, it can often be expensive. Therefore, it is essential to prevent mistakes. Your birds continuously send out signals: about their health, how well they know their way around their surroundings and whether they feel happy and comfortable. Proper management starts with recognising those signals in practice.
Do you recognise the signals your birds are giving? For the poultry farmer this means being alert in the broiler house, observing and listening to the birds. Observe individual birds and the flock.
And do you know what to do when the chicks are spilling too much feed, or have dirty feathers? Do you know the difference between abnormal, runny droppings and healthy caecal droppings? And how do you recognise hungry chicks when the flock has just been set up?
The book Broiler Signals follows the cycle on a broiler farm. Every stage is discussed and important aspects are highlighted. This broiler focused management will improve the production and welfare of the broilers and thus the poultry farmer’s economic results.
Broiler Signals is a practical guide that shows you how to pick up the signals given by your animals at an early stage, how to interpret them and what action to take.
Book: Broiler Signals – Technical information
ISBN: 9789087401252
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 20.5 x 26.5 cm
Pages: 120
The Broiler Signals concept
In the past years Broiler Signals has been translated in 12 different languages and over 25.000 copies were sold in 58 countries.
With the introduction of e-learning, the Broiler Signals concept now is a blended learning journey containing:
- Broiler Signals book and online book
- Broiler Signals Online Study Centre with e-learning courses
These broiler focused knowledge tools aim at improving welfare and production results of the animals and thus better farm economics. Broiler Signals is suitable for farm workers, farm managers and owners. But it’s also used as a (pre)learning tool for technical staff, advisors and farm consultants. Combined with (in-company) webinars or live training, Broiler Signals offers a complete range of essential knowledge tools for excellent broiler managent.
Poultry Signals ® concept
Broiler Signals is part of the Poultry Signals ® concept. The Poultry Signals® concept is based on Look-Think-Act and focuses on three main questions; What do I see? Why does this happen? What should I do?
This implies that the information is presented in a very visual way. Many photographs, illustrations and diagrams tell the story. Practical knowledge comes first and complex theory will be limited to an absolute minimum. In this way the information is easily absorbed and easily brought into practice by the reader.
The people behind Broiler Signals
The Broiler Signals concept is developed in cooperation by Vetworks (trainer/consultant and main author of the Broiler Signals book) and Roodbont Publishers (publisher of the Broiler Signals book and Online Study Centre).
We would like to introduce you to the team of people behind Broiler Signals.
Maarten de Gussem
Maarten De Gussem graduated as a DVM from University of Ghent Veterinary School in 2000 with a thesis on Infectious Bursal Disease Virus at the University of Arkansas, USA. He began working in the field at DEGUDAP group practice in France, The Netherlands and Belgium, dealing with layers, breeders, broilers and turkeys.
In 2001, Maarten joined the division of J&J Global Poultry Technical Manager at Janssen Animal Health, with focus on coccidiosis, gut health, helminthosis, histomonosis and red mite. In 2009, Vetworks was founded by Maarten, servicing the poultry industry with a global team of specialists and providing support on poultry health topics all over the world, with focus on mycoplasmosis, general gut health and coccidiosis.
Besides his work at Vetworks, Maarten is also an academic adviser at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University. And a member of scientific committees of Poultry Mycoplasma Conference and of IHSIG Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health.
Ton van Schie
Ton van Schie grew up on a dairy farm and studied animal science at Wageningen University. After his study he worked in agricultural education and as an agricultural journalist. This was the ideal background to start working at Roodbont Publishers B.V. in 1999.
Since 2010 he is one of the owners of the company and mainly responsible for content production. With help of his network of experts and his own critical view, he combines scientific knowledge with practical experiences, text with images, theoretic information with hand-on advices and mixes this all together to create the unique content products Roodbont is known for.
He is the spider in the web of authors, reviewers, illustrators, graphic designers, translators with only one goal: to make agricultural knowledge accessible to a large audience.
Janneke Janssens
Janneke Janssens has 20 years of experience in the agricultural publishing sector. As co-owner of Roodbont Publishers, she is responsible for business development and concept development. Roodbont Publishers is an internationally operating agricultural publishing company. It offers knowledge products that are currently on sale in more than 40 countries worldwide. In the context of Mushroom Signals, Janneke has final responsibility for the publishing concept, its development and identifying new opportunities in the market.
Tiago Prucha
Tiago graduated as a Master in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Porto during which he carried out a study at a poultry farm on how the densities can affect the performance of broilers. Tiago has worked at Soja De Portugal, one of the largest broiler integrations in Portugal as a poultry veterinarian and farm manager. This experience gave him an indispensable insight on a functioning full poultry production cycle. Since 2018, Tiago is working as a Poultry Consultant at Vetworks giving support to the poultry industry worldwide.
Would you like your own branded Broiler Signals books or Online Study Centre? We offer you various options for customization so you can profile your company towards your customers using our powerfull content products.
From a minimum order of 500 copies you can have your own busness edition of the Broiler Signals book.
Options for book customization are:
- adding your company logo on the front and back of the cover
- full customization of the cover in your company brand style
- adding additional pages to the book in your company brand style
It’s also possible to have your own branded Broiler Signals Online Study Centre platform, from 50 user accounts. Combined with your own company trainer or one of our experts, it’s the perfect way to help your employers or customers learn everything about broiler focussed management.
E-Learning about Poultry
The “Broiler Signals” Online Study Centre is an online learning platform, designed in cooperation by Vetworks and Roodbont Publishers. It offers a brand new way of online education.
We offer e-learning courses at different levels, based on our best-selling book Broiler Signals. Combined with online support or live training, we offer the best possible blended learning solution to develop people and add value to the poultry business worldwide.
To enrol participants to the courses, you simply buy the amount of logins you need and log them on to our platform. Once a participant logs on, the course login is valid for one year.
It’s also possible to have your own branded Broiler Signals Online Study Centre -platform with user accounts. We can auto-renew the subscription for your users every year and add different courses to each user as desired.
Advantages for you:
– Train your people or clients faster and better
– Train your people or clients time and place independent
– Train more people at the same time
– World-wide knowledge transfer
– More effective/active learning with practical e-learning cases
– Your own (branded) online learning environment
– The possibility to add your own information to the learning journey
– Tracking study progress of participants, test their knowledge online and provide certificates
Courses about Poultry
The Broiler Signals Online Study Centre is part of the Poultry Signals ® concept and it offers an accessible aid to picking up signals from your animals at an early stage, interpreting them and taking action. The courses follow the life cycle of broilers.
Each phase is discussed in a separate chapter with the important aspects highlighted. This broiler-oriented approach aims to improve your management skills, poultry health and the economic results on your farm.
The courses are available at two levels: Essentials and Extended.