Patricia Soster, DVM
Patrícia Soster is graduated in Veterinary Medicine at UFRGS and she is a M.Sc in Animal Production at the same University, in Brazil.
She has been involved with poultry production since the beginning of her academic career and has had many opportunities to join academics with production. She has pursued this connection through the presentation of 26 abstracts in Brazilian and International meetings. She has done internships in laying hen and broiler companies, as Hy-Line Brazil and BRF.
During her master she spent a full semester at the Precision Livestock Farming Lab at KU Leuven, Belgium. In 2022, she had the opportunity to participate as a visiting research scholar focusing on feed mill in Auburn University, USA. Currently she is doing her PhD at Ghent University on “Use of Image and Video Analysis to Evaluate Welfare in Broilers”.