Training on Breeder & Layer Management & Health
Scope of the Breeder & Layer Management & Health training: This training program is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of individuals involved in the management of both breeders and layer poultry. The scope of the training includes comprehensive coverage of the critical aspects of poultry management, welfare, and health for breeding and laying operations.
Register for our training in Europe, Brasil & Asia.
The key areas of focus are as follows:
Breeder Management:
- Understanding breeder lifecycle and production stages.
- Housing, feeding, and biosecurity for optimal breeder performance.
- Management of male and female breeders for maximum fertility and hatchability.
- Health monitoring and prevention of diseases in breeder flocks.
- Record-keeping and performance evaluation.
Layer Management:
- Essentials of layer lifecycle management, from pullet rearing to peak production.
- Nutrition and feed management tailored for egg production.
- Environmental control, housing systems, and welfare in layer flocks.
- Egg handling, quality control, and storage protocols.
- Identification, prevention, and management of common layer health issues.
Health and Biosecurity:
- Disease identification, prevention, and control strategies for breeders and layers.
- Vaccination programs and medication management.
- Implementation of biosecurity measures to prevent disease outbreaks.
- Understanding of zoonotic diseases and their management.
Productivity and Sustainability:
- Techniques to improve productivity and profitability in breeder and layer farms.
- Sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact.
Practical Applications:
- Hands-on training on flock handling, vaccination, and egg handling.
- Case studies and scenario-based problem-solving for real-world challenges.
Who is it for: poultry professionals, veterinarians, growers, farmers, nutritionists, technical advisors.
Language: English, Portuguese (session in Brazil)
Accreditation: This training will be accredited by NGROD and WVEPAH.
Workshop Only (3 days): € 1.500 (excl. VAT).
- Register for the live training
Workshop Only (2 days): € 1.000 (excl. VAT).
- Register for the live training
We provide a fully adapted streaming service for this training. Follow our training online from your (home) office.
Online Training (3 days): € 975 (excl. VAT)
- Register for the online training
Hotel, per night: € 110 * in Bruges, Belgium.
Hotel, er night: € 50 * in Brasil.
Hotel, per night: € 80 * in Asia.
Dinner, per night: € 60 in Belgium.
Dinner, per night: € 20 in Brasil.
Dinner, per night: € 25 in Asia.
Attendees are welcome to book their accommodation through us with our group-rate up to 2 weeks before the event.
* Hotel rates are subject to change due to the high demand during high season.
Program: Breeder Management & Health
Day 1: Morning session
- Introduction
- The evolution of Poultry breeding: a success story in global egg production
- Chicken anatomy, physiology, behavior: reading your flock’s signals
- Getting your feathers straight from the start
- Relevant bacterial diseases for poultry specialists
Day 1: Afternoon session
- Relevant metabolic diseases for poultry specialists
- Relevant viral diseases for poultry specialists
- Relevant parasetic diseases for poultry specialists
- Feathering behaviour “vices” in layers
- Egg quality, influencing factors
- Wrap up
Day 2: Morning session
- Implementing biosecurity in poultry organizations
- Interpretation of lab results
- Designing an appropriate vaccination program and monitoring
- Optimizing growth and development in broiler breeders
Day 2: Afternoon session
- Nutrition update and practical applications for the modern layer
- Is long-lasting male fertility a myth?
- Managing the pre-lay transition for broiler breeders
- Slow grower breeds
- Wrap up
Day 3: Morning session
- Practical workshop Necropsy and lab visit
- Practical workshop: basics for good male management
Day 3: Afternoon session
- Virtual farm visit
- Evaluation test for certification
Program: Layer Management & Health
Day 1: Morning session
- Introduction
- The evolution of Poultry breeding: a success story in global egg production
- Chicken anatomy, physiology, behavior: reading your flock’s signals
- Getting your feathers straight from the start
- Relevant bacterial diseases for poultry specialists
Day 1: Afternoon session
- Relevant metabolic diseases for poultry specialists
- Relevant viral diseases for poultry specialists
- Relevant parasetic diseases for poultry specialists
- Feathering behaviour “vices” in layers
- Egg quality, influencing factors
- Wrap up
Day 2: Morning session
- Implementing biosecurity in poultry organizations
- Interpretation of lab results
- Designing an appropriate vaccination program and monitoring
- Nutrition update and practical applications for the modern layer
Day 2: Afternoon session
- Optimizing growth and development in layers
- Different housing systems for layers
- Management of layers in hot conditions
- Managing the pre-lay transition for layers
- Wrap up
Day 3: Morning session
- Practical workshop Necropsy and lab visit
- Practical workshop: Case discussion Marek’s and Salmonella
Day 3: Afternoon session
- Virtual farm visit
- Evaluation test for certification
Carlos Vier
DVM & Poultry consultant
Carlos Vier holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine from UFRGS in Brazil. In 2023, Carlos joined Vetworks Brazil. Currently, he’s pursuing a postgraduate course in Poultry Health Sciences at Ghent University, further enriching his knowledge and expertise in the field.
Africa Fernández-Gutiérrez
DVM, MRCVS & Global poultry consultant
Since June 2019, Africa works as Global poultry consultant at Vetworks with focus on breeder parent’s management, pathogens control, and biosecurity and health plans.
Kris Van Daele
Poultry consultant
Kris Van Daele holds a Bachelor degree in Agriculture and Biotechnology and pursued further education with a postgraduate degree on Marketing from VLEKHO Business school. His professional expertise spans across technical and operational domains, complemented by strong leadership and management skills.
Accreditation from the Flemish Veterinary Board (NGROD)