Breeder Signals book

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‘Broiler breeders require full attention. Two sexes with completely different requirements is like managing two different species in one flock.’
Poultry meat is the most important animal protein source in the human diet. As a consequence, global production of broiler meat is rapidly growing to over 125 million tons in 2020. A relatively small number of broiler breeders has a major impact on the whole poultry meat chain. The continuing increase in the genetic potential of broilers makes the production of first class chicks increasingly challenging. State of the art management is crucial for a successful flock. Differences in results up to 10 day-old chicks per hen housed are not rare, costing tens of thousands of euros.
Breeder Signals contains practical information about broiler breeders to ensure a maximum production of first grade hatching eggs. With practical tools and modern insights to optimise sexual behaviour, fertility, egg production, and hatchability, based on the look-think-act approach. Feathering provides you signals about the quality of your flock. Too nice? Then they are hardly mating. Too little? These hens will not mate since it will be painful. The book follows the day-old-chick arriving at the rearing house towards the laying period up to egg transport to the hatchery.
Breeder Signals is essential for all people working in the poultry meat chain as breeder farm managers, farm workers, advisors, veterinarians, students, etc.
Breeder Signals is part of the Poultry Signals series ©.
Author: Rick van Emous
Broiler breeders are a vital part of the poultry meat industry, producing the hatching eggs that will eventually become the chickens we eat. Managing a flock of broiler breeders requires specialized knowledge and attention to detail, as the different sexes have distinct needs. Breeder Signals is a comprehensive guide to optimizing sexual behavior, fertility, egg production, and hatchability in broiler breeders, using a look-think-act approach. This book is essential reading for anyone working in the poultry meat industry, including farm managers, advisors, veterinarians, and students.